2017년 12월 7일 목요일

The IC designed using BimRoad.

This is 모현IC that is finished design recently.
It is a expressway that from Seoul to Sejong and introduced by a newspaper article.
This road is designed using BimRoad.
It is very complex road with about thirty alignments.

The image in the newspaper Article.

The image in BimRoad with a digital-map turned off.

The image in BimRoad with a digital-map turned on.
 Newspaper article : idxno=25425http://m.gisulin.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=25425

2017년 12월 5일 화요일

Measures area, length by tools in the dwg viewer.

To measure area, length of the entities in the dwg file, you can use some measure tools in the BRViewer.
BRViewer is very fast and useful free dwg viewer.
BRViewer provides useful measure tools to check dwg file.

These are Closed Area, Pick Area, Level length, Length, Object Length.

Closed Area can measure area of the closed area in the varius curves and lines.
Pick Area can measue area of which user picks points.
Level Length can measure length of horizontal of which user picks points.
Length can measure length of which user picks points.
Object Length can measure length of entities that use selects.

All features can display text with result value.

Especially, these things can be used for civil engineers usefully.

Following is the movie about these things.